Does CRO work for an Enterprise SLG Website?

3 mins

CRO is usually known to optimize for websites for companies with large amounts of traffic looking to make gains in the funnel.

Enterprise companies usually have far less traffic making the gains less visible.  However we want to think about value. 

In e-com you might have 100,000 visitors per day and making a 10% improvement in the checkout will results in 30 more orders.

However the metric to think about is value.  Most e-com orders will be $50 so the total increase you are getting is $1,500 per day which is great.

On an Enterprise SLG website you traffic might be only 3,000 visitors per day so a 10% lift for a demo request might mean only 1 extra demo, but with the avg deal size being $75k ACV you can see easily why optimizing here has more value than even on an ecom website.

The #1 spot to optimize on your website, it’s not what you think

One of the best areas for improvement on an Enterprise SLG website is not even a traditional conversion point but rather its your header.


Over 80% of bounces happen right in the header space, meaning a visitor does not make past the first section of your website. 

Currently with the average bounce rate being about 60%  that means 48% of people don’t make it past your header. Many times when we tell clients they are shocked as many of them thought that the visitor would be at least browsing some part of the hompage.

The best way to solve this is to implement A/B Testing so that you can test different header implementations that help reduce bounce rates  in the header. 

Once you find the right implementation you will be able to get thousands of visitors per month to view more of your website leading to more conversions across your CTA’s.

Want to know more: Read more about how to implement an A/B test for your header

Other things we can write about in the more detailed blog:

50,000 visitors to homepage X 60% Bounce Rate = 30,000 visitors bounce 

30,000 bounced Visitors X  80% bounced on header = 24,000 bounces on header

We have also seen that on average 60% of the people that make it past your header will make it all the way to the bottom of your website.

So why do so many people bounce and how can we improve it? 

So what are things you need to think about when building a good header message:

  1. Know your audience 
  2. Know your data
  3. Set your goals

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